Wow!  Thinking about how I met Lauren…It must have been about 14 years ago, long before she started the journey to become a Pilates Instructor.  She came to The Pilates Studio as an ultimate frisbee player with a knee injury, or was it an ankle injury?  I actually can’t remember. All I remember is her amazing joy, spirit, and wisdom. We worked through a couple of injuries.  I watched her play ultimate in one game, and wow that was awesome. To see the work that these young women did during this game was inspirational.  The speed and agility required to make the fast weight shifts and the ability to leap land and throw within just a few seconds was all around me.
During Lauren’s senior year in high school she was even an intern at The Pilates Studio.  She would come during the last period of the school day and help us out as well as work on her own.  We had so much fun joking around and playing. Lauren at a very young age knew how to play. She left us to go to complete her undergrad at the University of Vermont, and I saw her off and on during school breaks and of course I heard how she was doing from her mom who kept me posted.
Then a few years later, I found out that I was to teach the Polestar Pilates Comprehensive series in Burlington. Â I immediately called Lauren, who I knew was just finishing her undergrad and wanted to go to graduate school to become a Physical Therapist. Â I knew then that she would be a perfect candidate for the Polestar Pilates Teacher Training. I couldn’t wait to get her registered.
And Wow was I right! Â Lauren was awesome during the course. Â She completed the course with her peers, and then moved to Denver where I was able to introduce her to another Polestar Pilates Educator so that she could prepare for her exam. Â She came back after a year in Denver and I couldn’t believe the change, and I was so impressed with her integration of the material. She told me about how she problem solved during her own recovery from another ultimate frisbee injury (yes she is still playing and traveling everywhere to play.)
The last part of her journey to become a Pilates Instructor is sitting for the Polestar Pilates Comprehensive Exam.  She took the written exam, and then taught two full sessions in front of an examiner followed by a two hour circuit where she completed all of the advanced exercises for feedback.  She was more than ready, passed with flying colors.  I can’t wait to watch her succeed. and to follow her long amazing career to come.