Taking the Plunge, Become a Pilates Teacher: Part 4

I met Emily as a sophomore in the Dance department at The University of Hartford.  She was a bright and creative thinker, and I recognized someone as geeky as myself!  Her questions were wonderful, and I had my eye on her. I knew she would be a perfect candidate for The Polestar Pilates Comprehensive series.  I was excited by Emily’s curiosity and her unwillingness to accept a black and white version of events. I always knew from Emily I would also get asked, “What if?….”

Become a Pilates Instructor

Whenever I am asked a question by a Polestar Pilates Student students laugh at me because my answers always start with, “Well it depends…” or “Hmmm I could see that, but what if we thought of it from another viewpoint?”  or “What would that change?” I love teaching the Polestar Pilates Comprehensive series because I am not teaching rules and recipes. I am teaching ideas and creating structures for cri

Become a Pilates Instructor

tical thinking. During the Polestar Pilates Series we are looking at the people in front of us and deciding what is best? as to opposed to what is right?  When I met Emily, I knew that she had the reverence for thought that Polestar loves?

At Polestar there is structure, but malleable curious structure, imagine a playground with ideas, laughter, and fun.  Imagine a creative look at Pilates so that its benefits can grow and thrive with every creative mind that finds it.

Emily’s energy to become a Pilates Instructor was that of an instant friend.  She jumped into the material and the relationships at the studio that honored the play of movement.  She laughed and inquired, created and analyzed, and completely grasped the spirit that is Polestar Pilates.  She is now working and thriving in New York, spreading the information that can change people’s movement lives.
